
Loop: A new-gen social media

A new generation social media application where the users can discuss their thoughts, give votes on any ideas and gain badges to show their knowledge in certain categories.

Client • 

Loop Inc.

Category • 

Product Design

Date • 

November 30, 2022

Opportunity Statement:

In our first meeting to discuss this Canadian/Turkish start-up’s design needs, their idea, team and passion towards this project made us really excited. We heard and understood their goals and directly felt invested developing their idea.

The goal was to build a new generation social media application where the users can discuss their thoughs while giving votes and rates to others. This app would be focused on gamification attributions to build Loop influencers by their knowledge. We were focusing on their way of thinking more than how they look like.

The opportunity to seek here was to create designs from A-Z of this new idea, shape a new and useful social media for the new generation.‍

Our Role:

Branding / User Research / User Testing / UXD / UID / Prototyping

In the project our role was being in charge of branding, product and marketing designs. Loop was in their pre-seed investment stage so our goal was to build up their product with all needed presentation designs and prototypes to attract new investors.

We worked closely with product owner, developers, test engineer and stakeholders in each step before the launch in our regularly held weekly meetings.‍

The Research:

With our user researcher and Loop’s marketing strategist; we conducted 5 user interviews with potential users asking about their habits and uses. After analyzing their day-to-day activities, hobbies, pain points etc. we created our user persona profiles in our user persona workshop.Then we started a deep down alaysis with each competitor to understand their perspective.

What are in common, how they use it? In this step we had many creative design thinking meetings with the team where we collected our ideas and gave feedbacks on each.

Our user research and interviews gave us insights to shape Loop’s brand identity:

  • 90% of our users use dark mode on their phones.
  • 80% read more when the typography is clean and minimalistic.
  • And 85% of our users like to read discussions and participate in debates happening on social media.,

Reframing the Problem:

Loop’s new and debate based structure for social media creates an impulse to recheck that others’ have been said and voted for, and to see if it’s same as my thoughts. What else they have been thinking?

We can find answers to any random but needed questions like where can I have the best tiramisu in Rome . As more and more local people enter with their native language that can be translated to any, the results will be getting more correct, scientific experiences say that. It’s called the wisdom of the crowds. It’s why wikipedia is so trusted too.We started reframing the quality issue of the content been seen in social media and how the ad structure can be changed so it won’t be annoying but welcomed. When all discussions and talks are organized, we saw how our platform can be a source for any people to learn what other’s think.

This need is what we derived from our users and why they want new social media but ease up spending unnecessary time on Instagram. (They used the word unnecessary too - multiple times) We analyzed what was so unnecessary but unstoppable for them and resulted this step with set the base for design strategy.‍

Design Strategy:

Synthezing all ideas and opinions under the research findings gave us a clear perspective of what we will do in the business, marketing and design strategy.

We started reframing the quality issue of the content been seen in social media and how the ad structure can be changed so it won’t be annoying but welcomed. When all discussions and talks are organized, we saw how our platform can be a source for any people to learn what other’s think.

This need is what we derived from our users and why they want new social media but ease up spending unnecessary time on Instagram. (They used the word unnecessary too - multiple times) We analyzed what was so unnecessary but unstoppable for them and resulted this step with set the base for design strategy.‍

Early Insights:

We especially focused on asking the users opinion about debates in their lives and social media. We learned that %90 of our interviewees have at least one debate each day, %70 said they have multiple debates per day, one of them being with friends and family over suggested items to buy or experiences to do.

Then we asked about how valuable suggestions shape their daily-lives and experiences and how they gather it. The findings were really promising, because all of them said they would use online searching or well-known websites for different needs in different professional areas. They were having trouble to find the right information when it comes to suggestions. There were too many opinions to filter from.

  • Our targeted users loved to debate about sports, gaming and trend news.
  • Users would come back to the platform to check the final result of any discussion to receive a trusting suggestion or opinion.


Loop’s technical ability was high but the budget needed to stay low. So all of the user flows are phased to be launch step by step.

Last Touch:

We started having guerilla tests to understand how users will interact the whole platform and how they find it.‍

The Launch:

After revising the small user issues, testing and re-tasting the application; Loop was finally online in Google Play Store for Android and it’ll be arrived soon in App Store with phase 2 additions.

The Impact:


After the launch we collected a Beta group of our users and collected opinions and feedbacks.‍

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